September 2015 U.S. Economic Fundamentals


Research Assistant
U.S. economy showing signs of recession, analysts say - and that doesn't bode well for stocks

Low unemployment, rising compensation growth, reduced profit margins and elevated investment in durables have historically been useful predictors of upcoming recessions, noted J.P. Morgan economist Jesse Edgerton in a new report.

Based on the current levels of those variables, he thinks the chance of a recession within two years is as high as 40 per cent, rising to 66 per cent within three years.

Read the full article here.


Research Assistant
Canadians can't get enough of NYC's real estate market

Canadians love Big Apple real estate as much as ice hockey — scoring more New York City properties than any other nationality in the world.

Over the past 10 years, $15.37 billion in Canuck cash has flowed into the city’s commercial-property market, nearly doubling the $8.8 billion of second-place United Arab Emirates over the same period.

Read the full article here.