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Oct 22, 2007
I have started this blog about creating a diversified Canadian investment portfolio.

I thought my most recent post on cash may be of interest. So I am posting it here as well together with an unpublished post on the relation between cash and cashflow:

Cash is King

Cash as an investment is terrible – it only loses purchasing power over time. A loss one cannot even deduct from one`s taxes. (I recently read `A Time of Changes` a Sci-Fi story by Robert Silverberg about a civilization where one is not to communicate in the first person, i.e. `I` is a four letter word. The story got quite boring after the first 10 pages). Back to Cash.

So why bother with cash as a significant proportion of one`s portfolio? Cash is liquidity, it provides you options and in times of uncertainty it may even provide some capital protection. That is the reason why one should take profits when an investment becomes significantly overvalued like during `bubbles`. Even Warren Buffett states: `Nobody has made a loss by taken profits`. Another investor`s adage is: `Bulls and bears make money but pigs get slaughtered`. You see, "Greed is NOT good" in the world of investors contrary to what you may have heard from Michael Douglas. Value investor `par excellence` John Templeton claimed that you should always sell so that there is still a bit left on the table for the next buyer.

You sell when profits are becoming excessive and buy when prices are good, thus you will have cash during the down times which inescapably follow the good times. "Seven years of prosperity followed by seven years of famine", where did I hear that? Oh, yes that is a saying as old as `Methuselah`. Never let your cash level fall below 5% of your portfolio and during periods of overpriced assets (when you harvest your profits) you could build a cash position as high as 30 or 40%. Cash that is waiting to be invested in a well priced investment. You always hear Warren Buffett says things such as, "There are currently no well priced investments – I haven`t bought in years". Or like last year: "This is this the best time to invest in a generation". After building cash for years, Warren bought into GE and in Goldman Sachs and recently he bought an entire rail road (Burlington Northern) – his largest investment ever! Oh, there is another lesson in Warren`s philosophy: never sell in a panic.

One of the worst things you can do is selling into a major down turn. Things always (unless it is truly the end of the world) will get better. There are only 2 situations from which you cannot recover (one of them debatable). The company in which you invested goes broke (and even then there may be a chance to recover some of the money) or when you sell. When you sell there is no hope to recover. When Microsoft fell in 2008 from $32 to $12 dollars with no chance of bankruptcy I BOUGHT more. Now I have a tidy profit. Or when Bombardier crashed from $7 down to $3, I did nothing and we`re back over $5. All those analysts that were `whining` in 2008 are now screaming `BUY`. We will talk more about `selling` in later blogs – it is one of the toughest investment decisions to make!

So cash is an important part of everyone`s portfolio, you may need it for an emergency or for an investment opportunity of a lifetime. It helps you preserve capital in times of excessive overvaluation and lets you be ready to grab opportunities in an undervalued market. This has nothing to do with market timing, where you try to `pick market lows or highs`, but it often results in buying during bad times and selling during booms as a result of your cash management. Many people do not have the stomach to buy in bad times – that is one of the real reasons there are so few millionaires. Another blog topic.

In coming blogs I will discuss `fixed income` – stay tuned.


Oct 22, 2007
QUOTE (gwasser @ Feb 18 2010, 11:57 AM) I have started this blog about creating a diversified Canadian investment portfolio.

I thought my most recent post on cash may be of interest. So I am posting it here as well together with an unpublished post on the relation between cash and cashflow:

In coming blogs I will discuss `fixed income` – stay tuned.

Cash and Cash flow

There is an important distinction between having cash and having cash flow. Cash is created when selling investments. Another source of cash is savings from your employment income. Cash flow is the third major source of cash – it is cash generated from your business(es) and investments.

Running a business is entirely different from investing – a whole different blog topic (there are soooo many!). Suffices to say `a good business man is not necessarily a good investor`. Up to recently, you could consider Robert Kyosaki to be a good business man, but I am not sure he is that good of an investor – no matter the opinions of all his fans.

The second source of cash flow is your investments and here one must be careful as well. REIN`s Real Estate Investors are not necessarily investors. Even Don Campbell states that REIN members should see their real estate investments `as a business`. This is because there are two components involved with real estate investments: buying and selling properties (investments) and rental and other operations related to the investment properties (the business).

Cash from rental and other real estate operations minus operational expenses minus financing payments is cash flow. Dividends, return of capital, distributions and interest minus investment account charges, legal fees, accounting fees, interest payments etcetera is cash flow from investments.

Cash is an investment asset, just like real estate or stocks. Cash flow represents your incoming and outgoing cash. If your operations are profitable then you have positive cash flow. During bad times you don`t sell investments in a panic – that is the sure way to unrecoverable losses. Instead, a strong positive cash flow will help build your cash position together with the profits you made when you sold excessively overvalued assets in the preceding `boom`. Cash flow is adding to your emergency funds and provides funds for more investments. So, the saying "Cash is King" is not entirely correct, in my eyes it should be "Cash Flow is King"


Oct 22, 2007
QUOTE (gwasser @ Feb 18 2010, 12:02 PM) Cash and Cash flow

Cash is an investment asset, just like real estate or stocks. Cash flow represents your incoming and outgoing cash. If your operations are profitable then you have positive cash flow. During bad times you don`t sell investments in a panic – that is the sure way to unrecoverable losses. Instead, a strong positive cash flow will help build your cash position together with the profits you made when you sold excessively overvalued assets in the preceding `boom`. Cash flow is adding to your emergency funds and provides funds for more investments. So, the saying "Cash is King" is not entirely correct, in my eyes it should be "Cash Flow is King"

My blog has now its own customized domain name: http://www.canadiandiversifiedinvestor.com/
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