where to start?


hi, every one

i am new to this field REI and looking for some one who can help me in this field .

please advice me some real instruction about where should i start?


I would say buy all of Don Campbell's books lots of good info. Has helped me out a lot and also by joining Rein.


I second this post

[quote user=slumdog] I would say buy all of Don Campbell's books lots of good info. Has helped me out a lot and also by joining Rein.


I also have to agree with the book purchases. There is a plethora of information on this topic and if you really want to succeed at it I believe you need to immerse yourself in education and gaining knowledge. Just be wary of what is published on the internet because everyone seems to have a bull horn in that medium. However, there is some great content on the internet. Don's and other REIN associate co-author's books include nothing but Canadian specific, tried, tested and true no hype or smoke and mirrors content. They will get you thinking in the right mind set right out of the gates and that will be a huge advantage going forward. Having that mind set that this is all about long term wealth creation, investing not speculating, not a means of get rich quick will serve your investing business great dividends. The worst case scenario, you buy the books, realize this isn't for you but you have helped a great cause: Habitat For Hummanity as all the royalties are donated to them.


Also excellent advice from Thomas. Reading is great but to get started, get started. If I could offer a key piece of advice it is: do not judge your progress or success on others. Don't be discouraged if people around you are buying their 20th, 50th or 100th property and you are on your first or 4th. People buying their 100th + property is a reality within REIN and I do personally struggle a bit with not trying to compare myself to them. However, before they bought their 100th, they bought their 1st. Then their 2nd and their 3rd ect after that. You need to decide what your definition of success in the business looks like and stay true to that. Move at a speed you are comfortable with but also know that you will have to live outside of your comfort zone to attain what you desire. If the end goal wasn't worth it or valuable, it would be easy and everyone would have it, rendering it not very valuable. All in all, joining this community is a great place to start!