Ron Legrand - What You Need to Know!


Oct 1, 2007
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
There have been some extremely valid points raised with respect to the "ethical" nature of what Ron LeGrand teaches. This is GREAT to see, as REIN continues to promote a strong "CODE of ETHICS".

With the number of concerns that have been raised over the past few weeks, I felt compelled to step into the "Ron LeGrand" arena once again. I will NOT hide the fact that I am a HUGE supporter of Ron LeGrand, as he has been a MAJOR influence in my own personal real estate investing career. As a result, I fully support what he stands for and what he teaches!

My wife and I have personally attended many of his seminars, both in Canada and the United States. Each time learning new and EXTREMELY "creative" strategies! Some of which we would NEVER have dreamed where possible!

I know it`s hard to believe that some people are willing to just "walk away" from huge amounts of equity, but it`s a REALITY! Some people do "STRANGE" things! I am sure that most REIN members can relate to a situation (or two) where a Tenant has done something COMPLETELY..."off the wall". What motivates people to do what they do, I am NOT really sure? But the fact is, different people do DIFFERENT things!

What I do know is this; when somebody (for whatever reason) is "REALLY" MOTIVATED to sell, they WILL do STRANGE things! I am not sure if you have read any of my comments on other posts regarding Ron LeGrand, but I have been VERY clear when it comes to the misconception that some people believe that they can ONLY make money by taking ADVANTAGE of somebody else, and somebody that is in a DESPERATE situation. In others words, they think they have to "STEAL" houses from people! This is FAR from the truth! In fact, I teach people that they can make MORE MONEY doing it the RIGHT way, than they could EVER dream of making doing it the WRONG way! How do you think I know this?

When you implement some of the "creative"
marketing strategies and techniques that Ron LeGrand teaches, you are almost GUARANTEED to get the phone to ring! The BIG difference is "HOW" you handle the leads that come in! As I pointed out on a previous thread, it is one thing to throw a "STINK" offer at somebody, and hope that they will accept your offer because they have NO OTHER CHOICE! But it is a totally different thing if you ask the seller…"what is the least amount you will accept for your house"?
As you can see, it`s all a matter of "HOW" you to elect to go about DOING business!

I will be the FIRST to admit that there are plenty of individuals out there that do employ some of the "creative"
real estate strategies that Ron LeGrand and other seminar promoters teach, but they do it for ALL of the WRONG reasons! I like to classify those people as "BOTTOM FEEDERS"! Bottom feeding is NOT something that feels GOOD, and will definitely (or it should) keep you AWAKE at night!

There has also been some concern that if people like Ron have a "secret"
or developed a "unique"
or "creative"
system that creates massive amounts of cash flow, then why would they NOT keep it to THEMSELVES! So let me put it into perspective for everybody; when I first joined REIN (almost 10 years ago) I used to have the exact same attitude. Why would I want to go around telling EVERYBODY about this wonderful real estate investment club called REIN, and share all of the "secrets" with respect to "where to buy" and "where real estate values were heading"! Then one day, while I was driving around the City of Edmonton, the light bulb went on. I thought to myself, as I drove by house after house after house, there are PLENTY of houses for EVERYBODY! I also realized that it was my DUTY to "give back" and help others realize their financial dreams! So I started to "spread the word" about REIN and real estate investing in general.
There is an old saying that goes something like this…"if you give it will come back to you a hundred times over".
There is a LOT of truth to that saying.

So does this put things into perspective? Ron shares his secrets because there are plenty of deals for everybody! The real key to all of this; no matter what you learn…You MUST be prepared to take ACTION!

I hope that I have cleared the air with respect to some of the concerns or questions that have been raised over the past few weeks?

I look forward to seeing many of you at Ron`s event in October!


Oct 1, 2007
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
Lukas, you are 100% correct! You are..."helping people out and solving their problems". Just don`t cross the line and let "GREED" influence your decisions, as I see it all too often.

I am a firm believer that the name of one of our real estate companies that we incorporated back in 2003 played a HUGE role in fostering the right attitude and core values that we live by today. That company name is...Creative Housing Solutions Inc. The two key words in that company name are; "Creative"
and "Solutions"
. As a result, we provide "creative solutions" to peoples "seemingly impossible" problems!

Do it the RIGHT way, and you will make MORE MONEY than you could EVER dreamed of and you can FEEL GOOD knowing that you have helped others along the way!

QUOTE (wywrot @ Oct 7 2009, 07:56 PM) That is some great insight Tony, thanks for sharing. Its about helping people out and solving their problems.

For members going to the Ron Legrand Bootcamp, what are you bringing to the seminar?

FSBO deals? Deal you are working on now?




REIN Member
Aug 22, 2007
Edmonton, Alberta
Good job Tony ! As much as I am a lawyer and concerned about legal paperwork and concepts, my end of things , that is, how to paper Ron LeGrand`s strategies , is not the reason you go to see Ron. As long as you can implement a strategy in AB , then the legal bit is not the important part . What`s really important in my view is listening hard to what Ron says on the psychology of buying and selling, categories to play in and why, ( ugly houses/pretty houses), ways to find prospects without burning up all your time, how to negotiate, explaing need to diversify, strategies , marketing and always make it a win-win. Thats a lot of stuff to learn and like all new things , takes time and effort to understand, implement and get good at. You will probably get your " you know what " kicked a few times. And of course the most important part is taking action .


Aug 31, 2009
I`m new to REIN and taking the Ron LeGrand workshop in Edmonton on Oct 15 - 18. At the Western Conference, where I met Ron, the first impression I got was integrity and professionalism was utmost important for his system. Its always got to be a win - win situation for both parties involved. That`s what attracted me to his system. Integrity and professionalism is important to me.