REIN member locations


Full-time Real Estate Investor and Coach
REIN Member
Is there a way you can search REIN Members by city? I ask because I live in Ottawa, but am looking to build a team in Hamilton.


Rich Danby

VP of Acquisitions, Rent2Own Canada


Hey Rich,

You can certainly search for members by city, but it is all dependent on whether they have listed their resident city in their profile information.

To search for a person by location, type "Hamilton" into the search bar at the top right hand of the page. This will bring up the search results page where you'll see an "Advanced Search Options" link on the left of the page under the search bar. Click the link, and you'll see a "Search In" search field with a drop menu. Click this and select the "People" option. Then click the blue "Search" button, and the Forum Search Results that are populated will have all the users listed that have Hamilton listed in their profile.

With that being said, we'd like to encourage all users, REIN` members and the public alike, to include the city that you live in at the minimum in your profile information. This will make you searchable for other users and will encourage communication amongst people in certain regions. If you need help editing your profile, feel free to post a comment here or in the Technical Support section of the forum and we'll be glad to assist.