Ontario Residential Tenancy Agreement Template Wanted


Hi all. I expected to find a lease template for Ontario in the Critical Forms section. There are two templates for Alberta, but nothing that I can see for Ontario.

I was hoping that someone would share their lease template. I am about to lease a townhouse condo, and am looking for a template that has clauses restricting smoking and pets in the suite.

Thanks in advance!

Tracey Taylor-O'Reilly

[email protected]


Tracey, there are a couple of templates in the download section that you can use to meet your requirements. Plus if anyone has there favorite template, please send it along to [email protected] and we will upload them to the critical forms section.

Template #1

Template #2


Thanks Russell. I had searched high and low for these and couldn't find them. This is what I was looking for.



REIN Member
The word document/rental agreement (lease template 1) seems more applicable to an apartment building, some aren't conforming to Ontario Residential Tenancies Act and would be disputed in mediation in addition to being taken to the Human Rights Commission (i.e. children), attire, etc.

In lease template 2 - some of the terminology is wrong. Ontario is not referred to as TPA (Tenant Protection Act) <though some would disagree *snicker, snicker* but referred to as: Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) and orders/evictions would be applied to the "Landlord And Tenant Board".

Just my observation at quick glance.


Investor/Realtor - London Ontario
Is there an update on the Ontario lease agreements? I'd appreciate at an up to date template.


A good lease will cost you money to purchase through an association, it is money well spent

You should then review in detail and add a schedule to serve your particular property needs


REIN Member
Hi there

I am an Ontario Licensed REALTOR and property manager. I have customized mine over the year but also purchased some from Paralegal April Stewart of Landlord Legal. I suggest getting your Landlord Package from her. Scroll down to the bottom of her page and it's about $80.00 - includes application, etc. In case that link is not clickable - enter "LandlordLegal.ca" into your browser


REIN Member
Marks is great and also April Stewart of Landlord Legal has all the documents as well - Scroll down to "Landlord Legal Ontario Lease Package" and you'll get everything via email. Can pay through PayPal and get:

A guide - what makes a good lease

Customized Landlord Legal Ontario Lease Agreement

Maintenance and Repair Request Form

Incoming Inspection Report

Smoke Alarm Maintenance Inspection Report

I don't work for her but have used her and these forms myself and refer to clients: Landlord Legal Website


Hi Tracey

I haven't reviewed the lease templates but you did mention that you were leasing a townhouse 'Condo'. If the Condo has specific Condo rules (They probably do) you may want to adapt a clause, or add one, that mentions that a breach of the condo rules (Attached as a schedule) 'may' give cause for eviction or penalty by the Condo. You would also want to ensure that any fines or penalties that the landlord receives due to a breach of the condo rules by the tenant would be passed on to the Tenant.

Best Regards Ian.