Official launch of Harbour Properties website, blog and report


QUOTE (Cam @ Nov 18 2010, 11:32 AM)
I just want to announce the launch of my Harbour Properties website, blog and Hamilton neighborhood report. I would like to thank REIN and the community for the continued support and inspiration.

First and foremost, Congratulations!

I hope you'll have continuous success! Please do keep us updated


QUOTE (Cam @ Nov 18 2010, 12:32 PM) I just want to announce the launch of my Harbour Properties website, blog and Hamilton neighborhood report. I would like to thank REIN and the community for the continued support and inspiration.


You are a class act.

Thank YOU for giving back to the REIN community in so many ways.

Your friend,


Hi Cam,

First off, best wishes and congratulations on taking some positive action.

I have some comments about the website:

- Nice clean professional looking design.
- Scrolling info graphics on the home page.
- Simple step by step explanation of the LTO process.
- Free report available after subscribing to mailing list.

- White on light blue colour scheme. It will be hard to read in some light on some monitors and generally, it conveys "weakness". Not a strong colour combo IMO - at least not for parts that I have to read. Consider switching to the white on brown scheme for menus, with white on blue as the "hover" colour. Also, use the brown for headings and accents.
- Your BBB logos don`t link to your BBB online profile - warning sign of fraud for people that know what BBB online logo should do. I`m sure that`s not your intent.
- Social linky thing on the side is cool, but that functionality is duplicated on your posts/pages - looks a little cluttered.
- Downloadble PDF LTO application form has an extra blank page in it.
- Might want to mention the Hamilton market report for mailing list subscribers on the "subscribe" page itself.

Great stuff!


REIN Member
Hi Cam,

Congratulations an a very clean, professional looking website.
The Hot Spots Report looks very useful and demonstrates your local knowledge. Just remove the extra blank pages at the end.

Nicely done!



Thanks for the comments and feedback!

Jim - Thanks for the detailed response. The social links do different things- under posts allows people to post page from FB, Twitter. The side social links takes people to my FB, twitter pages. Working on the BBB link, i joined BBB primarily to get internet credibility and was under the impression that link to BBBs site would be included in my signup fee. Now they are asking for an additional hundred or so bucks just so i can link to their website. I already paid $300 or so to join...blah, blah, blah...just been putting it off as it kinda grated me, i thought i was very clear about my needs when joining...Anyway thanks for the comments and feedback.