Newbie Investor need your advice


Oct 10, 2007
What's the story - causing issues with other renters so had to prove repeated interfering with enjoyment over time from multiple tenant actions????

[quote user=invst4profit]Ontario, too bad, that's where I am too. Worst place in North America to be a landlord.

I just went through evicting one bad tenant, took 2 1/2 years, 12 board hearings and cost me 12 months rent plus legal costs. But she is gone and that is really all that matters in the long run. Unfortunately she could not be bought and I had no legal grounds to evict hence the time and cost to succeed.

Always keep in mind the mandate of Board Adjudicators is to insure tenants do not get evicted. They will do everything within their power and usually beyond to insure they maintain that mandate usually at the expense of both landlords and all other tenants.

PS. you should be saving that positive cash flow you are making because your expenses will ultimately jump up and bite you.


Aug 29, 2007
Kingston Ontario
My issue was with a tenant I inherited when I purchased my property. To put it simply she was a known criminal in the township and had the social standards of a garden slug. From day one she believed it was her right to do what ever she pleased without regard for any other living sole and constantly threatened and intimidated other residents to the point where they all feared for their safety. They refused to take any direct action to support my attempts at eviction as they all feared retaliation from her. Picture her as the small town bully that believed she made the laws and enforced them through intimidation.

In addition her rent payments were septate and she had no employment income.

Although she was well known by all police in the area and had been a prime suspect in several capitol offences including check fraud, suspicious deaths, drugs and arson she had no criminal record.

The board continually ruled against me at all attempts to evict and ordered I pay several rent rebates over the 2 1/2 years for "interfering with her reasonable enjoyment". In the end my persistence or "interference" through continual N4s, N5s, N6s and numerous L9 applications made her life so miserable that she finally gave up and terminated her lease. She was not very intelligent but finally accepted the fact that she could not stop me and knew I would never give up trying to evict.

Although it did cost me some money the cost was irrelevant. She had to go for the sake of the other residents.