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Is Economic Worst now behind Us?


Research Assistant
Mar 24, 2009
We`re now more than halfway through a year that everybody knew was going to be brutal.

The winds of a global recession, a tight credit environment, unemployment and cautious consumers have joined forces to cloud the Canadian economy.

As bad as it is, Alberta has still managed to be in just a little better shape than many other parts of the country.

It`s that Alberta attitude: Never let them see you sweat. Grin and bear it. That can-do spirit permeates the province`s economy --and a big factor, too, is our oil and gas industry.

Sure, there have been victims; plenty of companies who fought the good fight have lost. But it could have been a lot worse.

Early on, economic experts forecast that Alberta wouldn`t be hit so dramatically by the downturn and that it would be among the first regions to come out of it.

From a housing perspective, things have been turning around for the past two or three months.

Builders, while nowhere near construction levels of two years ago, are seeing a steady increase in show home traffic and sales.

Read the full article here.
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