In the Streets Canadian Quick-turn Strategies from Andrea Warkentin


Inspired Forum Member
REIN Member
Aug 31, 2007
It has been suggested to me to post weekly tips about quick turn. So here is the first week's installment. Please feel free to post you comments and questions.

This week's post is about advertising to attract motivated sellers. There are many different marketing methods, with varying levels of cost attached to them. Over the past year and few months since I started the quick turn, I have spent LOTS of money trying all of them. Here's what I have found to be my top 3 ways of advertising to attract motivated sellers - best bang for buck!

1. vinyl lettering on my vehicle - my Ford truck is navy blue and the vinyl lettering is bright orange and can be seen from FAR away. Cost was about $1000 - one time fee. This month so far I have received 4 good leads from it. I have on my vehicle "we buy houses", my phone number, website and in BIG lettering "CA$H". I have done about 3-4 deals last year on that truck advertising.

2. Local Newspaper - yes some people do read thru the classifieds, and my local paper is also online. I advertise in the "houses wanted" section, every day, every month. If you agree to use the advertising space for 1 year, or even one month you often can get a discount. My advert says, "We will buy your house today, call 403-000-0000" Your ad can be the same as mine, which I got directly from Ron LeGrand's book, or say something like it. My first deal was from this ad and I get varying amounts of phone calls - some months only a few, other more. I find that typically older people are the ones calling me on that ad, but not always.

3. Online advertising - most people these days search on the internet and so you may want to consider google adwords or increasing your organic search rating to get on page 1 of Google. Most people don't search past page 3, I myself often click on whatever site comes at the top. You can do your own search engine optimization, or pay someone else to do it for you. I myself don't do it, my sales guy does - thanks Rob! I find that the truly motivated people will fill out my online form including mortgage info.

The one marketing method that I haven't tried is bandit signs, as my city has a bylaw preventing their use. I know some others in different cities have had some success with bandits signs. My caution here would be make sure you get several quotes and don't use staples to secure signs to wood stakes - use screws and washers instead. Make sure your phone number that is advertised is easy for people to remember.

Well, that's my mind dump for today!

Andrea Warkentin

Gold Member

REIN Alberta North Top Ten Player 2010

[email protected]


Aug 31, 2007
Saskatoon SK
Hi Andrea,

I would agee with you re advertising suggestions. I am currently running ads on Kijji and in our local newspaper and you know that my truck is lettered as well.I track my responses and Kijji is by far the most cost effective. I get the best price from the local newspaper advertising 30 days consecutively. My truck lettering is simple " renttoownhousessaskatoon .ca" with my local phone number. 8 inch letters and numbers. Ive had people tell me that they have forgotten the phone number but gone home and typed in the web address ( even incorrectly) and got to my website. Search engine optimization is critical to keeping your website on page 1 on Google.

I too have tried other advertising endeavors but come back to Kijji and the local newspaper.

Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS Andrea on your success.


REIN Member
Dec 1, 2007
These advertising tips are greatly appreciated!

In addition to utilizing the distilled wisdom above, I am going to try something a little different to direct motivated sellers in specific areas to my website.

I purchased a decommissioned ambulance this past weekend and will have it decaled this week, if all goes according to plan. The decaling will read something to the effect of "Is your house causing you any of the following symptoms... " I expect that parking and/or driving it around in key areas for a couple of hours at time will generate some interest.

Given the ample storage these vehicles provide, it will also solve the issue of storing various tools and supplies for any "lipstick and rouge" a new acquistion might require. The inverter will also charge my cordless tools while on the go!

Perhaps another idea might be to have a ~14' X 7' vinyl "I buy houses" sign made up that could be affixed to a front facing garage door of a new acquisition that could then be switched with a RTO or "For Rent/Sale" when it was time to change gears.