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Damn Dog!


May 23, 2009
Alright, there are tenants living next door to me. They have a dog which they like to let loose every now and then. We are within city limits. The houses are really close together. I have spoken with the tenants next door and have politely asked them to keep their (damn!*$) dog off my property. They like to let their dog do its thing every morning between their house and mine. I have even found dog turds on my driveway. Yes, I have witnessed the events. I can`t be home all of the time because I have to work. Animal Control hasn`t been very helpful.

So, I am considering an option: building a fence. But is this a good idea since there is only four feet between their house and mine? I got a contractor to look at the situation and he is worried about a "tunneling effect" between the two houses if a fence were built.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Could a tunneling effect decrease the property value of my house?


May 23, 2009
I just want to add, it`s not a Chihuahua that we`re talking about...it`s a fairly big dog.



Aug 31, 2007
What is "tunneling effect"?

This is one of those situations that could cause an all out war between neighbours, one that no one will win. You could collect a pile of the dog`s turds and return them to the neighbours stoop so they walk in it unexpectedly one morning. One step might correct their lack of consideration, but not likely.

Or, you could buy a pooper scooper, and scoop up the offending mess when found and quietly dump it in your own garbage bin.

Which is more important to you? Friendly relationship or clean yard?


Sep 19, 2007
Do the fence. It`ll keep you from doing something else you`ll regret.



QUOTE (Ubiquitous @ May 24 2009, 02:21 PM) Animal Control hasn`t been very helpful.
Have you tried bylaw enforcement? letting a pet run off of the owners private property is against the law in nearly every city - maybe they will have a different perspective than animal control.



Aug 29, 2007
What I have done in the past is to inform a neiborough that the bylaws in my area state that dogs are not permitted to run loose and that I do not appreciate them allowing there dog to poop on my property. Ask the bylaw enforcement officer what he expects you to do and instruct the owner accordingly as to what actions you will be taking in the future regarding his dog. Follow through.

Keep in mind the bylaw officer is a civil servant and will likely require a boot in the *** to get him to do his job. He is the one you have the biggest problem with but he is your best option.


Apr 12, 2009
I know it`s very frustrating. I just recently bought a "no poop zone" sign and put it up on our lawn. Did you try to talk to the owner of the house? Normally the owner doesn`t want the neighbor to complain their tenants to the city hall especially if it`s from illegal suite.


May 23, 2009
Well, I`m going to go with Doug`s answer: "Get a fence before you do something that you will regret".

While I appreciate the idea of trying to get along with my neighbour, shouldn`t my neighbour also be trying to get along with me? After all, it`s my property and it`s my neighbour who is not taking responsibility for their dog.

And yes, according to the previous post by invst4profit, the bylaw officer will need a kick in the rear to get things started.

So, I`m going to take the simplest way out. How does the saying go? Fences make better neighbours?

Cheers and thanks for the advice.


Aug 30, 2007
QUOTE (Ubiquitous @ May 24 2009, 02:21 PM) Alright, there are tenants living next door to me. They have a dog which they like to let loose every now and then. We are within city limits. The houses are really close together. I have spoken with the tenants next door and have politely asked them to keep their (damn!*$) dog off my property. They like to let their dog do its thing every morning between their house and mine. I have even found dog turds on my driveway. Yes, I have witnessed the events. I can`t be home all of the time because I have to work. Animal Control hasn`t been very helpful.

So, I am considering an option: building a fence. But is this a good idea since there is only four feet between their house and mine? I got a contractor to look at the situation and he is worried about a "tunneling effect" between the two houses if a fence were built.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Could a tunneling effect decrease the property value of my house?

Dear Damn Dog!,

Ok, so I heard a while back on the radio, a suggestion one unhappy neighbour had for this very same problem. Sick, but kinda funny for the neighbor who doesn`t care about being responsible for his own dog....

Seems the homeowner calling in would find dog poop on his lawn every morning, and verified that his neighbor would let the dog out at night. So he said because he and his wife had bacon and eggs every mornign for breakfast, he would simply pour the bacon drippings on the dog poop after breakfast, and lo and behold, the dog poop disappeared! (at least by the next morning!)

By the way, the host of the pet talk program said he wouldn`t suggest this solution, however it could very possibly work!



Aug 29, 2007
Probably just by informing the offending dog owner that it is your intention to put bacon grease on the poop he would correct his bad habits.


May 23, 2009
Interesting idea...invst4profit.

Cldemott: In reply to your post above, I agree that the person`s solution to the problem was sick, but kind`a funny. On the other hand, it shows initiative and creativity. What can a person do in a situation like that?

Alright...since we are "sharing" (god help me!) I thought I would share another story.

I heard a story about a dog who would urinate on the metal hand pump of a well. Someone got frustrated and connected an electric current to the handpump. Need I say more.

I was told that the dog is still alive, but is more cautious as to where it does it`s business.


Oct 29, 2007
There are motion activated sprinklers that people use to scare deer away that would probably work in this situation. How about fighting fire with fire, and borrowing a dog or having a buddy bring his dog over to share his daily constitution? Or maybe an electrified fence at dog height? (Just kidding about the last suggestion.) Keep in mind the dog is just performing a biologically necessary function, it`s the owner who allows him to do it on your lawn... Make bylaw enforcement do their job.


REIN Member
Feb 4, 2008
QUOTE (Gale @ May 28 2009, 10:49 PM) There are motion activated sprinklers that people use to scare deer away that would probably work in this situation. How about fighting fire with fire, and borrowing a dog or having a buddy bring his dog over to share his daily constitution? Or maybe an electrified fence at dog height? (Just kidding about the last suggestion.) Keep in mind the dog is just performing a biologically necessary function, it`s the owner who allows him to do it on your lawn... Make bylaw enforcement do their job.

That also reminds me of a situation I heard about years ago, can`t remember where. Neighbour is kept up all night every night by a barking dog next door. Owner of dog is away working the night shift and didn`t care that his dog was barking all night. Neighbour finally has enough and records the barking dog and plays it back loudly all day through his stereo with speakers pointing at the dog owners house/bedroom window to give him a taste of his own medicine.

At the end of the day the neighbour got charged with disturbing the peace/noise violation I think. While in court he pleaded his case about how he was being subjected to the same noise and that his neighbour was not charged. I can`t remember exactly but the Judge had a great funny comment in his judgement.... something to this effect "The dog can`t control his actions, but you can...guilty!"

So be very carefull with your creative "schemes and solutions"



Sep 17, 2008
QUOTE (invst4profit @ May 27 2009, 01:23 PM) Probably just by informing the offending dog owner that it is your intention to put bacon grease on the poop he would correct his bad habits.

Haha too funny, have to tried this one?! Other people`s dogs can be so annoying eh, there`s one over the back of our place that barks a lot, drives me crazy! I think fence is probably your best bet, poops are even worse than just barking!


May 28, 2009
QUOTE (Ubiquitous @ May 24 2009, 02:21 PM) Alright, there are tenants living next door to me. They have a dog which they like to let loose every now and then. We are within city limits. The houses are really close together. I have spoken with the tenants next door and have politely asked them to keep their (damn!*$) dog off my property. They like to let their dog do its thing every morning between their house and mine. I have even found dog turds on my driveway. Yes, I have witnessed the events. I can`t be home all of the time because I have to work. Animal Control hasn`t been very helpful.

So, I am considering an option: building a fence. But is this a good idea since there is only four feet between their house and mine? I got a contractor to look at the situation and he is worried about a "tunneling effect" between the two houses if a fence were built.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Could a tunneling effect decrease the property value of my house?

I think your contractor may have a point. Putting a fence up between two houses that only have 4 feet between them may not necessarily be the best idea. Once the fence is up you will be left with less than two feet of walking room.

Is the space between the houses used as a traffic area to walk from the front to the back of the property? Will you or your tenants ever need to move appliances, furniture etc. through the space? if you answer yes to the questions I would not put the fence up.

If a fence goes up down the center you will be left with less than 2 feet of space on your side (I`m factoring in the space the fence posts will take up). Are there windows, outdoor taps, gas meter, water meter on that side of the house that require access? the average man, even woman would not beable to comfortably walk through a space that small; they would have to walk side ways if they could even fit in that way. You may also want to check with the local fire codes to see if you can indeed have a fence in such a small area as it could restrict quick access out of a side window.

Also if you need to move any appliances or furniture through the space it will be impossible given most furniture and appliances are wider and deeper than 24 inches.

If you do decide to put up a fence make sure you get the proper permits. The last thing you want to do is spend money on a fence then have the city tell you it needs to come down.

I would definitely do a land title search to find out the name and contact information of the owner and contact them directly. Title searches can be done at most registries. If the owner does not cooperate, definitely file a complaint with the city, who will in turn send notices and eventually will fine the owner of the property. I`ve found sometimes you just have to keep bugging the city, eventually they will do something.


Jul 7, 2008
I do not know if you dealt with this matter yet but the cheaper solution is to call city by-law.
Trust me. I have dealt with this before. It is against the by-laws to allow a dog off-leash. It is against the by-laws to allow a dog to deficate and not clean it up. If you actually witness both, you report this to the city (311). They will send someone out to talk to the neighbour. They might possibly fine them as well, particularly if you have seen the dog deficating and they did not clean up after the dog.

They will ask you if you want to take it further and go to court. I asked the by law officer to please provide a firm warning first or threat of fine. This seemed to work well as I have not had the problem since. If it continues, you have it on record with the city of the complaint. From that point on you might have to call the city again to which they will fine them or take it further. All of your conversations with the city are private for the record.
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