Clickable signature


Hello everyone,I thought that it would be interesting for many people here how to make your signature after each post that could show your company logo and direct "clickers"
to your web site.

Here it comes. Little few step manual.

If this manual makes no sense for you but you desire to have logo feel free to show this post to someone who has basic HTML experience.
[list type=decimal][*] prepare your logo as bitmap file with your logo. Make sure that it will be no more than 600x200 pixels. Widely used file formats are: JPEG, GIF, PNG[*] save this file somewhere in the internet on web server where it could be easily accessible by anyone without password. There is plenty of websites these days that provide such service.[*] collect URL (address fireld in browser) for this picture accessible via internet. Now try to open this link in another browser window. If you can see only image (without any text around that web site could add) proceed to next step. Otherwise this URL is not ready to be used yet and you have no other option but to meet the requirement of this step.[*] login to MyREINspace under your account[*] open "User Control Panel" (User CP button in top right corner) in MyREINspace[*] select "Edit Signature" from left menu[*] I recommend you type some text in "Edit your signature" field before proceeding to next step. For example, your motto.[*] click "Toggle HTML Source" (second button in first row of buttons above entry field. Roll your mouse over buttons and keep it for few seconds right above until yellow box will appear) Now the fun begins! add the following text in the place where you want to see your logo to appear:
<A href="" target=_blank><IMG src=""></A> Now change to proper address of your web site Change to address that we collected in step #3. Make sure to keep it between 2 quotes otherwise it will not be shown properly click "Save HTML" button under entry field click "Update my Signature" button V
Now you are lucky owner of signature that will show your company logo and will help people reach your web site.[/list type=decimal]

Good luck,