Holding yourself back: Ovecoming Underearning book


REIN Member
Richard's Mastery call today on being fully engaged with people and his previous points on holding ourselves back from what we want both dovetail perfectly with book I highly recommend, "Overcoming Underearning: Overcome Your Money Fears And Earn What You Deserve" by Barbara Stanny.

In her interviews of people earning 6 figures, Barbara found all participated in a supportive community around them. Through her workshops helping people to get past what's holding them back from earning more, she saw that all those who conquered underearning made a concerted effort to be part of a supportive community and associate with like minded people.

She says, "Isolation is a dream killer." and "Success is a social activity. You can't do it alone."

In the last 3 weeks I've done all the exercises in this book that peels more layers off this onion than any other personal development course I've done. I've integrated my underearning tasks to my weekly list of what I focus on. I'm feeling more powerful already.

If you identify with any of the above, rush to your library or bookstore, get this book and make a commitment to doing all the tasks in the book. You deserve it!

Thanks for our Monday Morning Mastery calls, Ricardo!


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