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Rebalancing the Global Economy


Research Assistant
Mar 24, 2009
Remarks by Mark Carney
Governor of the Bank of Canada
to the International Economic Forum of the Americas
Conference of Montreal
11 June 2009

The theme of this conference – "Adapting to a New World Order" – suggests that it is clear how global commerce and finance will be reorganized in the wake of the current crisis. However, the outcome is far from preordained. How we manage the rebalancing of the global economy could profoundly influence how open, equitable, and prosperous the New World Order will be.

Globalized product, capital, and labour markets[sup]1[/sup] lie at the heart of the New World Order to which we should aspire. However, the next wave of globalization needs to be more firmly grounded and its participants more responsible. In recent years, a belief in the power of markets has not always been accompanied by a commitment to build resilient markets. Moreover, at times, policy-makers and the private sector did not live up to their responsibilities.

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