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  1. S

    assist property mang.

    Looking for experience, not money (Although I don`t want to spend too much either!)... I am willing to give as much time as I possibly can while working full time. I currantly work retail so my hours vary... I am often free in the mornings. I live in SW Calgary and would prefer to work in the...
  2. S


    QUOTE (investmart @ Dec 19 2007, 06:46 PM) Sound like you have the motivation needed to do it. To be more focused I strongly recommend "Real estate investing in Canada" by Don Campbell. - The book explains step by step how to purchase real estate! For some people here it was all they needed to...
  3. S


    Thank you very much! I do not currantly have a job realated to the business and I think that is a very good idea! I live in Calgary and I am sure there is at least a few investors here! I am 21 and have lived in Moose Jaw, Vancuver, Winnipeg, Revelstoke and Toronto. (My father works for...
  4. S


    Thank you so much for your time! I have read rich dad poor dad, I have read many others as well... and plan on reading more! I just need contacts to get get started. I am trying every route I can to find some good hard cash lenders and people who have experience. I will get there, just need to...
  5. S


    I am very interested in getting into real estate investing but have no experiance and no money! I have been told that having no money doesn`t matter, you just have to know what your doing! I am hoping that is true! There are so many things to look for and I don`t know where to start. I live in...
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