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Search results

  1. D

    Foreclosure - making an offer

    In the summer we looked a property that we wanted for our principal residence. Its a long story but it is now in the courts and in foreclosure. There are some variables with this property that have had us talking about it. Doe we want it? Since it has been relisted, the price has gone down...
  2. D

    Re-financing - which way to go

    We are currently accessing our equity in our home. Our mortgage broker has provided us with quotes on 80, 85 and 90% of the total appraised value of our home. During this difficult time in the market,...we are uncertain on what would be the best way to go as we know whatever we do will make a...
  3. D

    Accessing our Equity

    Newcomer to REIN here. Just signing up for the Quick Start. My burning question right now (as I can`t wait to find out from my mortgage broker) is what is the best strategy to access the equity build up in my current home to use for investment? This is unpaid equity. I bought my house almost 3...
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